If you love bird watching, then a pair of binoculars with a wide field of view and a fully multicoated optics may just fit your needs. Since the light has been refracted, or bent as it has been directed through the lenses, by the time the viewer sees the image it is back to front, and upside-down.
Will you be hunting, whale watching, or watching birds, or looking for a pair of military binoculars. Binoculars have two specifications marked on the body of the binocular in the form of 7x 50, where the first number represents the magnification, in this case 7 times, and the second the aperture ,50mm in this case. If you are a backpacker or will be doing your birding on a bicycle, then you may wish to consider mid size or even compact binoculars.
In live theaters and concerts, audience members sitting in the back rows away from the stage use binoculars to get a better view of the stage. When night-vision binoculars first came on the market they were very expensive status symbols. Pocket binoculars are specially designed to resist dust, dirt, rain, mist, splashes, sun, or snow.
Modern lightweight binoculars have also evolved in terms of the use of roof prisms, rather than the traditional Porro prisms. Five pound binoculars will get heavy fairly fast. Some of the binoculars have a greater close up focus capability.
These tips hopefully will lend themselves to your benefit. Treat your kids to a pair of inexpensive binoculars to explore the natural world around them.