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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

fujinon binoculars binoculars guide

Bird-watchers, hunters and amateur astronomers are just a few of the people who use binoculars. The key piece of equipment for bird watchers is binoculars.

You position your telescope to look at the Moon, you see craters, and find that soon as you go to call someone to take a look, they take a look and it is gone. Hunting binoculars should feature some sort of rubberized exterior armoring to protect them from being damaged if dropped or bumped against trees, brush, rocks and so on. Most binoculars are used to view objects at very far distances and have to be focused for the viewer to see things clearly.

The coating reduces glare and protects your eyes from UV rays, and increases the definition and clarity of an object. Do keep in mind that a larger objective diameter will generally increase the size and weight of the binoculars. The first number gives the power of the magnification and the second number tells the diameter of the objective lens in millimeters which measures its light gathering strength.

Generally, a binocular lens cloth has a useable side and sometimes each side has different functions. Use this information and you ll get it right the first time.

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